15 December 2020

Online Discussion “Businesses and Current Legal Challenges: How to Resist Those and What to Expect in 2021?”

EPAM and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) invite you to attend the online discussion which will review the most important legislative amendments that have been critical for various industries in the past year, as well as assessing the main challenges businesses are expected to face in the foreseeable future.

The event will be held online on December 15, 2020 from 10:00 to 14:00.

Topics for discussion*:

  • Liability of controlling persons: what challenges are coming next year?
  • Legal defense for entrepreneurs: key lessons learnt during the pandemic and future trends
  • Tax innovations of the fiscal year coming to an end: fixed tax on CFC profits, tax maneuver in IT, review of international tax agreements and tax reconstruction in tax disputes
  • Cartels: key trends and specifics of criminal prosecution. Guidelines for top managers
  • General Prosecutor’s Office claims for seizure of assets from officials under the anti-corruption laws: is there a remedy?
  • Procedure for decision-making on the legislative amendments affecting businesses. What to do to have the businesses’ interests taken into account?

Guest speaker – Irina Kotelevskaya, Director of the Center for Development of Corporate Relations and Economic Dispute Resolution at RSPP

Moderator – Valery Eremenko, Partner heading Litigation Practice at EPAM

Speakers include attorneys of EPAM:

  • Vera Rikhterman, Litigation Partner
  • Denis Arkhipov, Litigation Partner
  • Sergey Kalinin, Partner heading Tax Practice
  • Andrey Bastrakov, White Collar Crime Counsel
  • Denis Gavrilov, Competition Counsel
  • Andrey Porfiriev, Administrative Law Partner

In order to make our discussion more relevant, we would invite you to send your questions to in advance, no later than December 14, 2020

Attendance is free of charge** but requires pre-registration.

Contacts: Natalia Nikulina, Elmira Smirnova +7 (495) 935 80 10,

* The program is subject to amendments.
** The event is off limits to law and consulting firms, private lawyers and attorneys. The organizers reserve the right to deny attendance.


Sergey Kalinin

Sergey Kalinin

Moscow, UAE