27 September 2005
At the conference Dmitry Lavrov and Taras Rabko, lawyers of EPAM Law and members of the Advisory Panel on Antitrust Legislation in Russia, delivered reports dealing with various aspects of the antimonopoly bill which they are drafting as members of the Advisory Panel on Antitrust Legislation in Russia.
8 August 2005
At the International Presidents Meeting, ELSA representatives from 13 countries gathered in St. Petersburg to discuss issues concerning the further development of ELSA.
26 July 2005
Headquartered in Brussels, the association has members specializing in labor law from law firms from all over the world.
14 July 2005
In a solemn ceremony held at the Russian Foreign Ministry today, members of EPAM were presented with the Commendations of the President of the Russian Federation, a distinction awarded “For accomplishments in protecting the interests and rights of the citizenry”.
30 June 2005
Speakers at the press conference included Henry Cameron, CEO of Sibir Energy PLC, Evgeny Savostianov, First Vice President of MOGC, and Sibir's legal counsel Dmitry Afanasiev, a partner at EPAM.
14 June 2005
Continuing its long-standing tradition of supporting the artistic initiatives of the Orchestra, EPAM sponsored the concert in Spaso Hause. This mutually beneficial cooperation is longstanding and EPAM Chairman Dmitry Afanasiev is among the members of the Board of Trustees of the Orchestra KREMLIN.
17 May 2005
The General Council of the all-Russia public organization «Business Russia/ Delovaya Rossia» met on May, 17 2005 to discuss the proposed federal anti-monopoly bill. Dmitry Lavrov, senior lawyer at EPAM, attended the meeting.
20 April 2005
Dmitry Afanasiev, member of the Partners’ Committee of EPAM, took part in the first annual conference “Legal Business in Russia”, organized by Vedomosti, one of Russia’s leading business newspapers.
15 April 2005
The 47th International Council Meeting of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) took place in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania, between April 3rd and 10th, 2005.
17 March 2005
The Russian Federal Anti-Monopoly Office has assigned Dmitry Lavrov, senior lawyer of EPAM Law to a panel on the overhaul of federal antitrust law.
15 March 2005
More than fifteen hundred landmarks have been the subject of a long-standing dispute between Moscow and the Federal authorities. They include the famous shopping malls GUM and TSUM, the manors Kolomenskoe and Zaritsino and other highly profitable monuments, whose value is sufficient to not only cover the costs of their restoration, but also to be highly profitable.
9 March 2005
Taras Rabko was a lecturer in the Constitutional Law Department of the St. Petersburg State University, and worked in the Research Institute of Law and Order of the Russian General Prosecutor’s office. Mr.Rabko currently teaches a course on constitutional law and an optional course on the conflict of laws at the Russian Academy of Justice of the Supreme Court and at the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.
22 February 2005
Founded in 1986, the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) has become an important international educational forum in the field of transnational arbitration, today counting among its members and contributors many of the world’s leading arbitrators and arbitration counsel.
19 February 2005
The funeral service at Sobchak’s grave in the Nikolskoe cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky monastery began the Day of Commemoration.
15 February 2005
The Saint-Petersburg University moot court team, with EPAM St. Peterburg's law office junior lawyers Irina Sergeeva and Sergey Golubok among its members, won first place in the Russian stage of the Jessup International Public Law Contest.