13 March 2017

Application of the New York Convention to Foreign Judgments: Analysis of the Wrong Approach of Russian Courts | by Mikhail Samoylov

Although the New York Convention is applicable to the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, the Convention has a parallel application in Russia — judges employ the Convention for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.

28 February 2017

Contracts, Negotiations and Enforcement in the Russian Federation: Overview | Daria Ilyina, Practical Law Global Guide 2016/17

Daria Ilyina, Senior Associate, on contracts, negotiations and enforcement in the Russian Federation.

29 December 2016

How Legislation on Handling Personal Data Will Be Enforced in the Future: LinkedIn Case Study | Pavel Sadovsky and Olga Tyangaeva, The Russia and Eurasia Committee Newsletter by the ABA Section of International Law

A Russian court published its exceptional decision and ruled that LinkedIn’s activity in Russia was in breach of Russian personal data law. The court of appeal did not overturn the decision: is now blocked in Russia.

29 December 2016

New Pretrial Procedure in IP Cases | Helen Avakyan and Irina Kosovskaya, The Russia and Eurasia Committee Newsletter by the ABA Section of International Law

Currently, a bill titled “Amendments to Articles 1252 and 1486 of the Russian Civil Code and Articles 4 and 99 of the Russian Arbitrazh Procedure Code” (the “Bill”) is pending in the Russian State Duma. The Bill was drafted in pursuance of a directive given by D.A. Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister, and introduced in the Russian State Duma by the Russian Ministry of Justice. The Bill was cleared by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property and the Court for Intellectual Property Rights.

27 September 2016

Economic Analysis of Corporate Law | Dmitry Stepanov

This article provides an overview of key concepts of economic analysis of corporate law.

23 September 2016

Review of Federal Law No. 218-FL “On the State Registration of Real Estate” | Anton Alekseev, AEB Real Estate Monitor 3/2016

Federal law No. 218-FL “On the State Registration of Real Estate” dated 13 July 2015 unifies the currently existing State Real Estate Cadaster (GKN) and Unified Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Therewith (EGRP) into one Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN). The law entails the enactment of more than 30 regulations which will enter into force in 2017. Although Law No. 218-FL in many ways continues and combines the approaches of the previous legislation and judicial practice, both the authorities, courts, developers and holders of real estate will need some time to get used to the new provisions.

16 September 2016

Construction 2017: Russia | Elena Gavrilina, Yuri Savvin, Anton Alekseev

Construction 2017 published by the Getting the Deal Through provides expert local insight into the field of construction law in different jurisdictions worldwide, covering such areas as: joint ventures, foreign penetration of the local market and licensing procedures, labour requirements, local labour law and health and safety regulation, construction contracts, insurance, contracting with government entities, bribery and foreign corruption, force majeure and acts of God, dispute resolution mechanisms, international environmental law, international bilateral treaties and currency controls.

1 September 2016

Private Antitrust Litigation in Russian Federation: Overview | Denis Gavrilov, Evgeny Bolshakov, Maria Krychkova, Igor Gavrilov; Practical Law Global Guides

The Q&A provides a high level overview of the legal basis for bringing private antitrust litigation actions; parties to an action; limitation periods and forum; standard of proof and liability; costs and timing; pre-trial applications and hearings; alternative dispute resolution; settlement or discontinuance of an action; proceedings at trial; available defences; available remedies; appeals and proposed legislative reform.

20 July 2016

Demand for Law and Enabling Structure of Regulation | Dmitry Stepanov

Laws, regulations and the law itself might be viewed from economic analysis of law standpoint as a type of any non-material goods, thus there is a demand for, and supply of, law.

19 July 2016

ICC Leniency Manual | the Russia chapter by Denis Gavrilov

Denis Gavrilov became the author of the Russia chapter of the Edition.

12 July 2016

Expanding of Merger Rules on JV Agreements in Russia | Anna Numerova and Elena Kazak, International Antitrust Bulletin by ABA Section of Antitrust Law

The most recent amendments to the Russian Competition Law, called the Fourth Antimonopoly Package, became effective January 6, 2016. Among other developments, the Fourth Antimonopoly Package brought joint venture (JV) agreements under mandatory merger control clearance procedures.

10 May 2016

EPAM’ Tax Practice Team Became the Author of the ACEA’s Tax Guide Russia Chapter

ACEA’s Tax Guide gives an overview of motor vehicle taxation in the 28 EU member states, the EFTA countries (Iceland, Norway and Switzerland) as well as major world markets such as Brazil, China, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Turkey and the United States.

13 March 2016

Yandex vs. Google | Evgeny Bolshakov and Denis Gavrilov, International Antitrust Bulletin by ABA Section of Antitrust Law

On September 18, 2015, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (“FAS”) ruled that Google had abused its dominant position in the market for pre-installed applications on mobile devices with an Android operating system in the Russian Federation. The ruling was affirmed on March 14, 2016 by the Moscow Arbitration Court.

4 March 2016

Merger Control 2016. Russia - Trends & Developments | Anna Numerova and Elena Kazak, Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide

The major trend in the regulator’s merger control approach remains quite liberal. This can be seen in both the regulator’s practice and legislative development. Fines for failure to meet the merger control requirements have not been increased.

17 November 2015

Commercial Arbitration - Russia. GAR Know-How | Evgeny Raschevsky, Dmitry Dyakin, Dmitry Kaysin, Victor Radnaev

Evgeny Raschevsky, Dmitry Dyakin, Dmitry Kaysin and Victor Radnaev authored the Commercial Arbitration Russia chapter of the know-how section of Global Arbitration Review.