16 December 2016

EPAM Advises M.Video on Antitrust Compliance

EPAM’ Competition Law practice has successfully developed an antitrust compliance programme for M.Video, the leading Russian retail chain selling consumer electronics and appliances and one of the largest companies in this market in Europe. The company has become the first consumer electronics retailer to launch an antitrust compliance programme.

19 August 2016

EPAM Successfully Defends Yandex at the Court of Appeal

A team from EPAM’ Competition Law and Litigation practices successfully defended the interests of Russia’s largest IT company Yandex in a dispute with Google at the Court of Appeal. The Court upheld the judgment of the Court of First Instance, in accordance with which Google now must comply with the ruling of the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS).

2 August 2016

EPAM Represented Procter & Gamble Before the Regulators in Clearing the USD 12.5bn Transaction With Coty Inc.

EPAM successfully represented consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) in its USD 12.5 billion transaction to sell P&G beauty brands to the American beauty products manufacturer Coty Inc. (Coty).

14 March 2016

EPAM Successfully Protects the Interests of Yandex in a Dispute With Google

The Competition and Litigation Practice team of EPAM successfully defended the interests of the largest Russian IT company Yandex in the Moscow Arbitrazh Court. The Court rejected Google’s lawsuit in which the corporation requested to cancel the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia’s (the FAS) conclusions.

15 December 2015

EPAM Successfully Defends the Interests of the Mediterranean Shipping Company Before the FAS of Russia in a High Profile Case of the International Container Carriers’ Concerted Actions

EPAM' Competition Practice team has successfully defended the large container carrier Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) before the FAS of Russia in a high-profile case related to concerted actions of international sea and ocean container carriers.

9 October 2015

EPAM Successfully Protects the Interests of Yandex in a Remarkable Dispute With Google

The Competition Practice team of EPAM successfully defended the interests of the largest Russian IT company Yandex against Google’s market abuse in relation to pre-installed app stores for devices on the Android operating system.

7 July 2015

Antitrust Practice Team of EPAM Obtained Pre-closing Clearance of FAS Russia for the Purchase of Shares in Norbert Dentressangle SA by XPO Logistics in Record-Breaking Time

In June 2015, the US logistics company XPO Logistics announced the acquisition of a controlling stake in the French company Norbert Dentressangle SA. The antitrust practice team at EPAM represented XPO in connection with obtaining clearance from the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, and was able to secure a positive decision from the FAS in record-breaking time.

7 July 2015

EPAM Obtains the Antitrust Authority’s Approval for ROSSIUM’s Acquisition of the Controlling Stake in FC URALSIB

EPAM’ сompetition team managed to obtain the Federal Antimonopoly Service’s approval for the acquisition of the controlling stake in FC URALSIB for the Firm’s client.

8 April 2015

EPAM Is the Only Law Firm Engaged in the Educational Project Launched by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and Kutafin Moscow State Law University

EPAM jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MGUA) will be engaged on the global educational project providing an opportunity to combine their studies and internship at the leading Russian companies to the promising students. The project was introduced at the round table entitled “Problems of the Lawyers Professional Training” held on April 3, 2015 at the IX Forum-Exhibition “Legal Career Day at MGUA”. A new approach to internship arrangements for legal students from all over the country will be developed following the project.

19 January 2015

Denis Gavrilov Joins the Competition Practice of EPAM as Counsel

Denis Gavrilov has joined EPAM’ Competition Practice as Counsel.

13 January 2015

EPAM Announces Appointments of Counsel in Its Russian Offices

EPAM is pleased to announce the promotion of a number of senior associates in its Russian offices. Effective as of January 1, 2015 Evgeny Bolshakov, Maria Kobanenko, Alina Kudriavtseva, Vladimir Pestrikov, Mark Rovinskiy and Pavel Sadovsky were appointed as counsel in the Moscow office. Elena Agaeva and Elena Legashova have become counsel in St. Petersburg.

18 December 2014

EPAM redefends the interests of OAO Transammiak in a dispute with a largest manufacturer of fertilizers again

The litigation team of EPAM have successfully defended the interests of OAO Transammiak in a litigation with Minudobreniya JSC.

5 December 2014

EPAM support Lenta’s acquisition of three Bimart hypermarkets

Associates of Moscow and St. Petersburg offices of EPAM provided legal support for Lenta’s acquisition of the company holding three Bimart hypermarkets in Vladimir and Ivanovo.

3 July 2014

EPAM succeeds in defending OJSC Transammiak and OJSC Togliattiazot in the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation

On July 1, 2014 the EPAM team managed to reverse the Ruling of the Federal Arbitrazh Court of the Volga District dd. February 7, 2014 to force OJSC Transammiak into a contract to transport liquid ammonium with OJSC Minudobreniya. The dispute was remanded for a new trial, whilst the claims of OJSC Transammiak and OJSC Togliattiazot in relation to the supervisory review of judicial decisions previously taken in the case, were satisfied.

18 June 2014

EPAM held a lunch on antitrust regulation within IV St. Petersburg International Legal Forum

On June 18, 2014, on the first day of IV St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, EPAM held lunch “Antitrust regulation: tendencies, problems and solutions”. More than 80 representatives of large business came to discuss the most actual issues of antitrust regulation in the open dialog with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (the FAS) of the Russian Federation.