27 March 2020

Labour Law: Non Working Days

On March 26, 2020, the Ministry of Labour published recommendations to workers and employers in connection with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2020 No. 206 "On the Announcement of Non-Working Days in the Russian Federation."

25 March 2020

One Essex Court Barrister Makes Moscow Move |

An English barrister has taken international arbitration and English law experience to EPAM in Moscow, as the Russian firm forges closer ties with One Essex Court.

23 March 2020

Arbitration Against COVID-19

The spread of coronavirus infection has led to a number of measures taken by states, aimed at restricting movement and business meetings. The number of countries and cities that introduced restrictions, includes places where the largest arbitration centers are located: Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, Milan, London, Zurich.

20 March 2020

The FAS Russia During COVID-19 Pandemic: Initial Response

The spread of coronavirus globally poses new challenges before FAS: how to prevent violation of competition law in such turbulent market conditions?

19 March 2020

Planned Government Support Measures of Business During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The rapid of spread of coronavirus will have an adverse effect on a braod range of businesses. Government bodies of the Russian Federation have announced a number of operational measures, aimed at reducing business risks in the context of the global coronavirus pandemic.

19 March 2020

Protecting Shareholders From Coronavirus: Annual Meetings of Shareholders in 2020 Can Be Held in Absentia

On March 18, 2020, Federal Law No. 50-FZ “On the acquisition by the Government of the Russian Federation of ordinary shares of the PJSC Sberbank of Russia from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and on the recognition of certain provisions of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - the Law No. 50-FZ) was published.

19 March 2020

Coronavirus and Force Majeure: Fulfillment of Contractual Obligations in a Pandemic

As the pandemic spreads, and states adopt restrictive measures, companies will become unable to fulfill their contractual obligations. Under such circumstances, applicability of force majeure rules in each case becomes of paramount importance. It is important to make correct legal qualification from the very outset, and to take all the necessary steps in order to subsequently be able to refer to force majeure, including the collection of evidence in case of a subsequent dispute.

19 March 2020

Taxation and the Pandemic

The spread of coronavuirus (COVID-19), as well as the introduction of a broad range of restrictive measures to contain it, will have a negative impact on many sectors of the Russian economy. How will this situation affect taxpayers' obligations in relation to making mandatory payments to the budget? Further considering the restrictive measures and the fact that most employees will start working remotely, will there be a change to the overall interaction between taxpayers and tax authorities?

13 February 2020

Lex Mundi Global Climate Change Law Guide – Russia | by Ilona Zekely

The Climate Change Law: Global Guide was developed to help in-house counsel understand relevant policies, measures and legislation related to climate change regimes in more than 30 jurisdictions around the world. Partner, Head of European Desk at EPAM Ilona Zekely authored the Guide overview on Russia.

4 February 2020

Practice Issues of Foreign Investments Filing in Russia | Anna Numerova and Elena Kazak for International Antitrust Bulletin by ABA Antitrust Law Section

The regulation of foreign investments in Russia has become more stringent in recent years. A number of amendments have been introduced to the laws providing the legal regulatory framework for foreign investments in Russia, namely to both the Strategic Investments Law and the Foreign Investments Law.

5 December 2019

Significant Fines Introduced for Violation of Personal Data Localization Rule

On December 2, 2019 the RF President signed a new law that establishes significant fines for violations of the localization rule in respect to the personal data of Russian citizens.

6 November 2019

Evidential Value of Forensic Examination in Arbitration Proceedings. Legal Aspects of the Expert Report Assessment and the Possibility of Its Critical Perception | Vera Rikhterman and Vladimir Rodionov

This article explores, using arbitrazh proceedings as an example, causes and effects of attaching special evidentiary significance to forensic examination findings due primarily to strictly prescribed procedural form of how research is to be conducted and that an expert is able to provide explanations on the questions that a court is unable to answer on its own.

11 October 2019

An Interview with EPAM | Evgeny Raschevsky for Best Lawyers

For Evgeny Raschevsky of EPAM–Russia’s 2020 “Law Firm of the Year” winner in Arbitration & Mediation–the changing landscape of global trade, international arbitration, and emerging technology startups has put their extensive worldwide knowledge to the test. In an interview with Best Lawyers CEO Phillip Greer, Raschevsky discusses how the firm’s working relationships allow them to adapt to different arbitration venues, the complexities of cross-border trade, and how dispute resolution is rapidly shifting.

24 September 2019

Data Protection in the Financial Sector Guidance Note – Russia | by Pavel Sadovsky and Roman Malovitsky

Head of Intellectual Property / TMT Practice Pavel Sadovsky and Counsel of Banking & Finance , Capital Markets Practice Roman Malovitsky reviews the legal basis of data processing and its practical application in the financial sector.

13 August 2019

Lex Mundi Global Data Privacy Guide - Russia | by Pavel Sadovsky and Elena Kvartnikova

The Lex Mundi Global Data Privacy Guide draws on the expertise of network member firms and is a simple yet concise tool for clients who are looking to learn more about key data protection concepts and issues around the world. The guide includes an overview of the legislation in each jurisdiction along with the key data protection provisions.