6 July 2023

Sergey Kalinin Will Speak at the ICC Russia Conference

On 6 July 2023, ICC Russia (Russian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce – World Business Organization) will hold a seminar on "2023 Currency Regulation and Currency Control". EPAM Law is pleased to announce that Sergey Kalinin, Partner, Head of Tax Practice, will speak at the event.

Topics for discussion:

  • Possibility of cancelling the obligation to repatriate proceeds in foreign currency using alternative methods permitted by the Russian legislation.
  • Position of currency control authorities in applying article 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses given the restrictions on settlements and logistics.
  • Using cash for settlements under export contracts and the possibility of crediting imported cash to accounts with Russian banks.
  • Currency clause in a contract allowing settlements in an alternative currency (export/import).
  • Resolution of disputes concerning the currency legislation.




Sergey Kalinin

Sergey Kalinin

Moscow, UAE