16 April 2021

EPAM at the Forbes Bankruptcy and Restructuring Forum

On April 16, 2021, Forbes Congress will host its forum “Bankruptcy and Restructuring: Landmark Cases and Legal Proceedings in Today’s Russia”. Denis Arkhipov and Valery Eremenko, Partners at EPAM, will speak at the forum.

The bankruptcy moratorium is to expire in early 2021, yet it is likely to be extended due to the ongoing pandemic. Would 2021 be the “year of bankruptcies” in Russia if the moratorium is cancelled?

The Forum attendees will search for answers to the following questions:

  • What does bankruptcy law and the bankruptcy market hold in the near future?
  • What interesting cases were added to the bankruptcy-related case law?
  • When will the amendments to the bankruptcy law, which were drafted by the Ministry of Economic Development in early 2020 and are meant to protect viable businesses from destruction and liquidation, be adopted and get to be implemented?
  • What steps need to be taken to ensure more efficient operation of the insolvency institute?

More details on the forum: