22 June 2011
Victor Dumler participated in a Construction Industry Business Meeting

Today, the International Business Meeting “Cement. Concrete. Dry Mix”, which brought together over 150 professionals, has come to its close in St. Petersburg. The event was organized by ALIT-Inform, an International Analytical Review. Both Viktor Dumler and Irina Stepanova took part in the meeting.

Public officials, executives of major Russian and foreign companies in the construction materials market, leading scholars and technical experts, analysts and correspondents of industry media discussed the current state and their forecasts for the development of both regional and international construction materials markets.

A meeting of the Expert Council of the Industry Committee at the State Duma of the Russian Federation was held as a part of a business meeting. It focused on matters of manufacturing construction materials, machinery and equipment for construction, and was titled “Countering Counterfeit Goods in the Construction Materials Market”. The meeting was attended by Irina Stepanova, a Senior Lawyer and Head of Intellectual Property Practice at EPAM( St. Petersburg).

Viktor Dumler, Head of International Commercial Arbitration Practice of the Firm in Saint Petersburg, spoke about the new edition of the 2010 INCOTERMS a guide to foreign trade delivery rules and correct use of international trade terms in supply contracts.