23 June 2012
EPAM held a round table <em>Legal Environment and Its Impact On Business</em> during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2012

EPAM acted as one of the organisers of a Round Table entitled “Legal Environment and its Impact on Business”, held as a part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2012.

The Round Table was held on 23rd June, 2012 commencing 12 pm until 1.15pm at the main venue of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2012 .

The Round Table was moderated by the Chairman of EPAM Dimitry Afanasiev.

An exciting discussion included key speakers Ivan Oskolkov, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Andrey Tsarikovsky, Rusia's FAS.

Other attendees included top executives from Russian Railways (Kirill Androsov), AFK System (Leonid A. Melamed), VEB (Anatoly Tikhonov), MTS, Rosatom, and other like companies.

Boris Titov and Andrey Nikitin participated in the Round Table as special guests.