18 December 2024

Interaction Between State Courts and Arbitration: From Interim Measures to the Enforcement of Awards

Arbitration is a crucial mechanism for resolving international disputes, but it can operate effectively only with the support of state courts. In November, during Dubai Arbitration Week, EPAM Law organised a session at the premises of the Emirati law firm Horizons & Co, where leading experts discussed the interaction between state courts and arbitration, anti-suit injunctions, and the enforcement of interim and protective measures.

17 May 2024

GAR Know-How: Commercial Arbitration 2024 - Russia | by Evgeny Raschevsky, Vladimir Talanov, Natalia Soldatenkova and Yana Bagrova

EPAM International Arbitration and Litigation team including Practice Head Evgeny Raschevsky, Counsel Vladimir Talanov, Associates Natalia Soldatenkova and Yana Bagrova exclusively co-authored the Russia’s chapter for the GAR Know-how: Commercial Arbitration 2024.

30 December 2023

GAR Know-How: Commercial Arbitration 2023 - Russia | by Evgeny Raschevsky, Vladimir Talanov, Natalia Soldatenkova and Yana Bagrova

EPAM International Arbitration and Litigation team including Practice Head Evgeny Raschevsky, Counsel Vladimir Talanov, Associates Natalia Soldatenkova and Yana Bagrova exclusively co-authored the Russia’s chapter for the GAR Know-how: Commercial Arbitration 2023.

30 December 2022

GAR Know-How: Commercial Arbitration 2022 - Russia | by Evgeny Raschevsky, Vladimir Talanov, Veronika Burachevskaya and Yana Bagrova

EPAM International Arbitration and Litigation team including Practice Head Evgeny Raschevsky, Counsel Vladimir Talanov, Associates Veronika Burachevskaya and Yana Bagrova exclusively co-authored the Russia’s chapter for the GAR Know-how: Commercial Arbitration 2022.

16 September 2022

Top 5 Real Estate Legislation Amendments | by Anton Alekseev for AEB Real Estate Monitor

The Association of European Businesses (AEB) presents its latest edition of Real Estate Monitor, which is focused on the research of the Moscow and St. Petersburg real estate sectors in the segments of: retail, office, warehouse, hotel and residential real estate for the first half of 2022. This edition contains an article “Top 5 Real Estate Legislation Amendments” prepared by Anton Alekseev, Counsel, Real Estate And Construction Practice at EPAM and Deputy Chairman of the AEB Real Estate Committee.

26 November 2021

One Trust Data Guidance. Data Protection in the Financial Sector. Russia Section | by Pavel Sadovsky, Roman Malovitsky and Elena Trubetskaya

EPAM’s Banking & Finance and Capital Markets and Intellectual Property team comprised of Partner Pavel Sadovsky, Counsel Roman Malovitsky and Senior Associate Elena Trubetskaya, authored the Russia section of OneTrust DataGuidance focusing on data protection in the financial sector.

2 November 2021

Global Attorney-Client Privilege Guide | EPAM is among the authors

Attorneys of EPAM took part in writing a chapter for Russia in Global Attorney-Client Privilege Guide published by Lex Mundi.

9 September 2021

The Merger Control Review. Edition 12. Russia Chapter | Elena Kazak,  Anna Numerova, Natalia Korosteleva for the Merger Control Review

The core statute setting out Russian merger control rules is Federal Law No. 135-FL of 26 July 2006 on Protection of Competition (the Competition Law). By-laws must comply with its provisions and can only specify certain issues in detail (e.g., by decrees of the Russian government, administrative regulations and other by-laws).

16 June 2021

GAR Know-How: Commercial Arbitration 2021 - Russia | by Evgeny Raschevsky, Andrew Lomas, Vladimir Talanov, Veronika Burachevskaya and Yana Bagrova

EPAM International Arbitration and Litigation team including Practice Co-Heads Evgeny Raschevsky and Andrew Lomas, Counsel Vladimir Talanov, Associates Veronika Burachevskaya and Yana Bagrova exclusively co-authored the Russia’s chapter for the GAR Know-how: Commercial Arbitration 2021.

13 May 2021

Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia and Former USSR States | Natalia Andreeva, Wolters Kluwer book

Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia and Former USSR States is the first full-scale commentary in English that aims at analysing the application of the New York Convention in Russia.

20 April 2021

Problems of Damages Evaluation Methods for Investment Disputes | Evgeny Raschevsky for Treteyskiy Sud

The article deals with the evolution of the damages calculation methods in the investor-state disputes over the past 50 years, in both the doctrine and arbitration practice.

24 February 2021

The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2021 | Ilona Zekely, Evgeny Raschevsky and Ilya Nikiforov are among the authors

The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2021 is a collection of articles and essays on current issues and hot topics in commercial and investment arbitration by leading practitioners and academics. Among the authors are EPAM Managing Partner Ilya Nikiforov and Partners Ilona Zekely and Evgeny Raschevsky.

25 November 2020

A New Instrument for Protection and Encouragement of Investments in Russia | Oleg Ushakov, Dmitry Kabanov and Victor Radnaev for IBA Securities Law Committee publications

In March 2018, the Russian President instructed the government and the Bank of Russia to develop an action plan to accelerate growth of investments and their share in gross domestic product. Shortly afterwards, the Russian Ministry of Finance developed a draft law ‘On Protection and Promotion of Investment in Russia’, which was announced in October 2018. It was assumed that the adoption of this law would improve the investment climate and give impetus to the development of the country's economy.

5 November 2020

GCR Insight - Merger Remedies Guide - Russia сhapter | by Natalia Korosteleva, Anna Numerova, Denis Gavrilov and Maria Kobanenko

Partner, Head of Competition Law Practice Natalia Korosteleva, Partner Anna Numerova, and Counsels Denis Gavrilov and Maria Kobanenko became the authors of Russia chapter for Merger Remedies Guide - Third Edition by Global Competition Review (GCR).

7 September 2020

Intra-Departmental Appeal at the FAS Russia: Key Decisions | Alexey Rodionov co-authors practical commentary book

In August 2020, the third edition of the book which details the legal views of the FAS Russia collective bodies was released. The book is a joint effort of the Antimonopoly Service and the Competition Experts Association with contributions from the HSE Institute for the Study of Competition Policy and Market Regulation experts. Alexey Rodionov, Counsel in the Competition Law Practice of EPAM, co-authored the book as a member of the Competition Experts Association task force.