30 September 2011

Ivan Smirnov spoke at the Conference on Undervalued and Distressed Assets

Ivan Smirnov, Partner at EPAM, spоke at Vedomosti conference entitled Undervalued and Distressed Assets. Acquisition, Management and Sales Strategies.

The conference covered such topics as:

  • What are undervalued and distressed assets?
  • The “map” of undervalued and distressed assets. Most attractive sectors for investment. Market size evaluation
  • Key players of the sector. Key competencies of the players
  • Structure and allure of pledged assets held by banks. Should further sale of bank pledges be expected?
  • A new stage of Russian privatization: what assets will be available in 2012?
  • Arranging funding for asset acquisitions Funding sources: internal or external
  • Solving legal problems in asset acquisitions
  • Acquisition technologies
  • Criteria for evaluation of current and future value of assets
  • Asset management strategy. Technologies to increase the assets’ value
  • Investment horizons for key market players
  • Assets withdrawal

Ivan Smirnov, Partner at EPAM, delivered a report Undervalued and Distressed Assets. Acquisition Strategies. In his report he stressed that one of the key tasks a lawyer advising on distressed asset acquisition faces is, primarily, to detect and mitigate key risks and structure the deal depending on the risk profile. Furthermore, Ivan identified basic requirements to legal due diligence and shared his view on the mechanics of risk mitigation for both a buyer and a seller.