
Richard Lloyd from the Third CIS Local Counsel Forum: Russia and the rule of law – together at last

Dr Cord-Georg Hasselmann of Hengeler Mueller and Dimitry Afanasiev of EPAM argued for the independents, outlining international strategies based on a series of 'best friends' relationships with overseas practices.

Richard Lloyd of The American Lawyer continues to report from the Third CIS Local Counsel Forum

Today's first panel discussion of the CIS Local Counsel Forum featured a Who's Who of the independent Russian legal market, which now includes 16,500 firms and more than 1,000 law schools.

Corporate governance in Russia

The International Comparative Legal Guide 2008 publishes the article by Ekaterina Medeyko "Corporate Governance in Russia"

Developments in the M&A market from a legal perspective (part 1)

The Russian M&A market has experienced significant growth in recent years. There has been an increased consolidation of businesses, and mergers and acquisitions. The volume of M&A deals involving Russian companies during only nine months of 2007 has exceeded US$100bn. This was supported by the growth of the Russian economy and an increased interest of foreign investors in the Russian market and of Russian investors in targets overseas

Developments in the M&A market from a legal perspective (part 2)

The Russian M&A market has experienced significant growth in recent years. There has been an increased consolidation of businesses, and mergers and acquisitions. The volume of M&A deals involving Russian companies during only nine months of 2007 has exceeded US$100bn. This was supported by the growth of the Russian economy and an increased interest of foreign investors in the Russian market and of Russian investors in targets overseas

Vedomosti about Best Friends Network's session at the Russian Economic Forum in London

At St. Petersburg Economic Forum Victor Vekselberg complained that after purchasing a 30 percent stake in Swiss Sulzer he was facing hostility of its Board. The lawyers that gathered at the London forum explained to the Russians what exactly they were doing wrong

The Lawyer: EPAM opens door for Rostar takeover

EPAM succeeded where US law firm Dewey & LeBoeuf failed by securing permission for the sale of a can manufacturer from Russia's Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS).

Anton Kostenko comments theNoga case in the article by Kommersant, Russia

The Noga case, which those in Russia had thought was closed for good, has made itself known again. Yesterday, the Russian Finance Ministry acknowledged that funds in the Paris accounts of the Central Bank, RIA Novosti information agency and a number of other state companies in VTB Bank France SA and Calyon Bank, worth up to $70 million, had been frozen. Noga considers the 2006 agreement under which U.S. businessman Alex Kogan bought its debt invalid. The Finance Minister accuses Noga of misinforming the courts and Noga lawyers are ready to seek $800 million from Russia.

The European Lawyer: 2007’s rising tide

Expulsions, raids, split-offs, invasions and new formations are just some of the goings-on that characterised 2007 as a stand-out year for Europe’s law firms. In this first of a two-part article, Richard Tromans and Jeremy Fleming draw on our research over the last 12 months to highlight the year’s most significant events...

The Legal Week: New breed of indies breaking the mould in continental Europe

Legal Week's annual report charts firms to tipify a new breed of entrepreneurial practices. Among the firms is EPAM.

Representing a Client in Arbitration Tribunals in Russia

Arbitration in Russia is relatively fast and inexpensive dispute resolution method. The parties generally enjoy more intelligent, intellectual and fair” as compared to national courts. Still, foreign practitioners shall be aware of emphasis on formalities and prevalence of “surprise tactics”. Arbitrators put more weight to documentary evidence over testimony, but oral pleadings over written submissions. Advocacy skills required involve thorough knowledge of the case and ability to react on the spot sharply and plausibly to unexpected developments.

Evidence gathering, interim remedies and relief in Russia

Maria Miroshnikova and Anna Yakovleva, attorneys at EPAM, spoke on Evidence Gathering, Interim Remedies and Relief in Russia at LexisNexis Butterworths’ International Litigation and Fraud Conference

EPAM lawyer commentsfor the article"Arbitration Court Sets Rules for Gift-Giving to Government Officials" byKommersant, Russia

Russia's higher arbitration court is preparing to define the protocol for governmental officials and judges in receiving and declaring gifts. The maximum permitted value of gifts received in connection with one's job is being increased from 500 to 4,000 rubles, and it will be necessary to declare personal gifts of more than 100,000 rubles. Infractions of these rules can become grounds for criminal prosecution. Experts note that similar rules exist in many countries around the world but admit that the prospects for the effectiveness of their control over Russian judges and officials is uncertain...

Latest news on Arkhangelsk Trawler Fleet case by Prime-Tass Business Newswire

St. Petersburg's 13th Arbitration Court of Appeals has ruled that Mauritania's Societe De Promotion De La Peche (SPP) should return three trawlers to Russia's state-owned Arkhangelsk Trawler Fleet (Arkhangelsk Tralovy Flot), the law firm representing the Russian company, EPAM, said Thursday...

Latest news on Eurocement case by RIA Novosti presswire: Court cancels earlier judgment against Eurocement agreement

The Moscow District Federal Arbitration Court has withdrawn its July 25 refusal to approve a peace agreement between Russia's Federal Antimonopoly Service and Eurocement, the country's largest cement producer...