
Grigory Chernyshov comments for The Moscow Times Russian PM's initiative to adopt a bill that would ensure criminal penalties for unfair competition

...In addition to dropping its vague language, the amended law would cover cartel collusion, which it currently does not, said Grigory Chernyshov, a partner at law firm EPAM...

Mergers & Acquisitions 2009 in 58 jurisdictions worldwide publishes survey of the Russian M&A market by Elena Sokolova and Vladislav Arkhipov

Mergers & Acquisitions 2009 in 58 jurisdictions worldwide publishes survey of the Russian M&A market by Elena Sokolova and Vladislav Arkhipov

EPAM leads Top Legal International’s PEP ranking

Tucked among the financial data supplied by law firms this year were annual profits and profit margins. On the basis of these figures, TopLegal International was able to calculate the profits per equity partner (PEP) of 20 legal houses.

Annual turnover at EPAM increased by almost 100%, according to TopLegal International annual financial survey

By most accounts, Russian law firms remain an unknown force. Much of this has to do with the Russian legal market which has been less transparent compared with other European regions. Yet EPAM has done much to sweep aside the air of mystery that surrounds native Moscow practices. And it has done so to truly surprising effect.

CDR News reports about seminar on Arbitration in Switzerland held by the Swiss Arbitration Association and EPAM

Russian lawyers have hit back at the perception of Russia as a poor jurisdiction for arbitration.

Russia: Adjusting the rules of play

International Mergers & Acquisitions Review 2009 publishes survey of the Russian M&A market by Dmitry Stepanov, EPA&P corporate practice partner. 

Dealing with Corruption under Russian Laws: Local Anti-Corruption Laws and their Enforcement

Evgeny Raschevsky, Partner of EPAM, presented a report on "Dealing with Corruption under Russian Laws: Local Anti-Corruption Laws and their Enforcement" at the Summit on Anti-Corruption in Moscow

Competition Litigation in Russia

The International Comparative Legal Guide to Competition Litigation 2009 includes review of the Russian Competition Litigation by Grigory Chernyshov, Partner of EPAM.

Interpretation of Article V of the New York Convention by Russian Courts (Due Process, Arbitrability, and Public Policy Grounds for Non-Enforcement)

Journal of International Arbitration 25(6) publishes the article by Ilya Nikiforov, Managing partner of EPAM (St. Petersburg), "Interpretation of Article V of the New York Convention by Russian Courts (Due Process, Arbitrability, and Public Policy Grounds for Non-Enforcement)"

Dimitry Afanasiev's interview to Bloomberg TV about Farimex vs Telenor case

The court in Omsk on Friday will hold hearings on Farimex vs Telenor case. Dimitry Afanasiev comments this case to Bloomberg TV.

The Supreme Court of Canada has to decide if it has authority to consider a case, which is already under consideration of U.S court

Olga Vishnevskaya analyses the Canada Supreme Court's jurisdiction over the claim that the U.S. court already accepted

Bringing so called “foreign-cubed securities cases” in U.S. courts

Sergey Gavrilov analyses U.S. courts' jurisdiction over so called foreign-cubed securities cases

Corporate governance in Russia

Financier Worldwide Magazine publishes the article by Ekaterina Medeyko "Corporate governance in Russia"

The United States and the European Union have completed modernization of extradition treaties

Anna Shumilova, junior lawyer at EPA&P, reviews recent amendments to the US-EU extradition treaties.

Interfax: BP retained EPAM to advise on matters related to the TNK-BP shareholder dispute

BP has welcomed the fact that the Russian Federal Migration Service temporarily extended TNK-BP Chief Executive Robert Dudley's current work visa.