28 September 2011
Ivan Smirnov spoke at the II All-Russia Conference “Russian Oil Products Market: Regulation, Pricing, Competition”

Today is the last day of the II All-Russia Conference "Russian Oil Product Market: Regulation, Pricing, Competition", taking place at the Renaissance Moscow Hotel. Ivan Smirnov, Partner at EPAM, spoke at the event on 27 September 2011.

The Russian oil products market deserves close attention. The Russian Government and the Energy Committee are taking steps to develop and de-monopolize the fuel market.

The "Russian Oil Products Market: Regulation, Pricing, Competition" served as a platform for discussion of the most pressing issues and an opportunity to look for solutions and recommendations conducive of the industry's dynamic growth.

The event brought together over 200 delegates, including public officials, industry unions and associations, vertically integrated companies, oil traders, fuel station chains, representatives of the financial sector, auxiliary equipment manufacturers and industry services providers, as well as trade media.

Ivan Smirnov, Partner at EPAM, delivered a report entitled ‘Oil Product Pricing Controls: Current State and Near-Term Prospects', dealing with the following matters:


  • supply and demand balance for engine fuel on the domestic market; 
  • alternatives to export; 
  • fuel production at Russian oil refineries; business development policies for vertically integrated companies; 
  • will tolling schemes return to the market? 
  • consumption forecasts for different types of fuel; 
  • the role of the independent sector in regional supply of oil products.