18 March 2013

Sergey Kovalev to speak at Russian Energy conference in Moscow

Sergey Kovalev, Partner at EPAM is scheduled to speak at the 7th annual Russian Energy conference to be held in Moscow on March 18, 2013.

The conference attendees will discuss what changes the new government has introduced to the state electricity energy regulation, what the new team managed to accomplish and what tasks and challenges the regulators will face in the near future. 

Sergey Kovalev will make a presentation entitled “The Last Mile Problem and Its Remedy: Strategy and Tactics for the Market Players” as part of the second session of the conference titled “The New Market Model. What Should It Be Like?” The wholesale electricity market will soon face changes again. The officials are now discussing a new market model; a number of trends for development have been put on the agenda. They will also talk about the role of bilateral contracts on the market: what the changes will bring and whether it is worth changing the current model at all, what are the advantages and drawbacks of each of the new options.

Taras Rabko, Head of Energy Practice, and Sergey Ustalov, Senior Associate of the same Practice at EPAM, and Andrey Vorobyev, Partner, will also attend the conference.