7 July 2022

Sergey Kalinin Will Speak at the ICC Russia Online Discussion on Currency Regulation and Control

On July 7, 2022, the Russian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce - World Business Organization (ICC Russia) will hold an online discussion “Currency Regulation and Currency Control 2022 in the Context of Restrictive Measures”. Sergey Kalinin, Partner, Head of Tax Practice at EPAM, will speak at the event.

The event will focus on new regulations that are introduced almost every week, yet still have to be enforced.

The event will cover the following topics:

  • The adjustment of the regulations and deadlines for the mandatory sale of export currency earnings
  • The introduction of the exception to the execution of the mandatory sale in certain cases
  • Amendments to the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 181-IOn the Procedure for Residents and Non-residents to Submit Documents and Information Confirming Foreign Exchange Transactions to Authorised Banks, on Single Accounting and Reporting Forms Related to Foreign Exchange Transactions, and the Procedure and Timeframes for Their Submission
  • Tightening and loosening of the temporary procedure for operations with foreign cash
  • Changes to the procedure for transferring one’s own funds abroad

Sergey will speak at the session “Currency Regulation 2022” (10:00 – 12:00).

More information about the event



Sergey Kalinin

Sergey Kalinin

Moscow, UAE