25 April 2024 , Moscow

Denis Arkhipov to Speak at the Forbes Congress Conference on Bankruptcy and Restructuring

On 25 April 2024, Forbes Congress will hold the Conference “Bankruptcies, Restructuring, Corporate Conflicts – Landmark Cases and Litigations in Modern Russia.” Denis Arkhipov, Managing Partner at EPAM Law Moscow office, will  speak at the plenary session.

Topics for discussion:

  • Who will come into the picture in the plots we saw emerging in the past years: the public purse or pledge lenders?
  • When should we expect the culmination of detective stories involving foreign parties?
  • Is the tension in cases over subsidiary liability easing?
  • Who is behind the masks of bankruptcy auction participants?
  • What is the main intrigue about personal bankruptcies?
  • Should judicial authorities interfere with the action on a continuous basis: promote the establishment of creditors’ claims, detect the scheming of mala fide debtors, evaluate managers’ actions?

About the conference.