21 June 2014

EPAM to take part in the IV St. Petersburg International Legal Forum

Partners of EPAM will take part in the IV St. Petersburg International Legal Forum as delegates and speakers. The Forum will be held in Saint Petersburg on June 18-21, 2014.

The Forum was established in 2011 by the Ministry of Justice and is supported by the President of the Russian Federation. The Forum has already become the premier platform for dialogue between politicians, lawyers, economists, and academics from all major economic and legal systems. Last year over 2,5 thousand people from 63 countries attended the event including 21 official delegations headed by Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Justice.

The business programme consists of the Plenary Session and discussion sessions on a broad range of issues in law, business, politics, and culture and will be organized into tracks based on principal legal specializations.

On June 18, Dimitry Afanasiev, Chairman of EPAM, will participate in a roundtable devoted to the 20th anniversary of Russian legal service business.

On June 18, Ilya Nikiforov, the Firm’s Managing Partner, will deliver a report “Cooperation of Lex Mercatoria and Russian Law” within a roundtable “Principles and RuLes of Modern Private Law”.

In addition, EPAM will invite the Forum delegates to attend its business lunch “Competition in Russia: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities” which is to take part within the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

In keeping with tradition, a unique cultural programme for the Forum’s guests is designed to make their stay in one of the most beautiful cities in the world really unforgettable.

Representatives of all legal specializations, public officials, businessmen, and members of educational and socio-cultural institutions are invited to participate in the IV St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

For more information please visit the Forum's official website


Anna Numerova

Anna Numerova


Ilya Nikiforov

Ilya Nikiforov

Moscow, St. Petersburg