7 July 2015
Antitrust Practice Team of EPAM Obtained Pre-closing Clearance of FAS Russia for the Purchase of Shares in Norbert Dentressangle SA by XPO Logistics in Record-Breaking Time

In June 2015, the US logistics company XPO Logistics announced the acquisition of a controlling stake in the French company Norbert Dentressangle SA. The antitrust practice team at EPAM represented XPO in connection with obtaining clearance from the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, and was able to secure a positive decision from the FAS in record-breaking time.

Under the project, XPO Logistics was represented by EPAM’ counsel Anna Numerova and senior associate Elena Kazak, supervised by partner and head of the M&A and corporate law practice Arkady Krasnikhin.



Anna Numerova

Anna Numerova
