7 February 2013

EPAM To Hold Conference on Legal and PR Aspects of Business Reputation

In response to the growing interest of large Russian and international companies, EPAM and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) would like to invite you to a conference entitled “Protection of Business Reputation: Legal and PR Aspects”. The event will take place on Thursday, February 7, at the RSPP conference hall at 17 Kotelnicheskaya Emb. 

Leading legal and PR experts, judiciary representatives as well as other specialists will talk about most important legal and PR aspects vital for efficient protection of business reputation. The conference will address the specifics of and recent changes to the Russian legislation, efficient PR techniques, and the experts will also share their best practices and analyze existing case law as related to high-profile defamation cases.

The reports will be delivered in Russian.

We invite to the conference senior representatives of the large and mid-sized Russian businesses, heads of legal and PR departments.

To register please contact with your full contact details and job title in the body of the letter.